Буквально на днях в Новой Зеландии состоится премьера фильма «Хоббит: Нежданное путешествие» по роману Толкиена. До всего остального мира он докатится в предрождественское время, а к нам так и вовсе, кажется, в предновогоднее. Европа вовсю ждет и готовится: например, в Испании нами было замечено подарочное издание книги, оформленное как копия книги из фильма «Властелин колец». Жаль, что книга была на испанском, но только это меня остановило от ее покупки (да, я библиофил…). Но сделано приятно, хотя сама бумага могла бы быть и другой на ощупь- более мягкой, наверное.

In the near future the premiere of “The Hobbit: An Unexpected journey”, a new screening of Tolkien novel by Peter Jackson, will take place in New Zeeland. The rest of the world will see it before Christmas and we are here in Russia probably will see it only before New Year. So Europe is full of expectation and advertising- for example, we detected the full copy of Jackson’s “The Lord of the Ring” version of “The Hobbit: there and back again” book. It has a red pvc hard cover and nice engravings inside. The only imperfection which stopped me from buying it (yes.. I’m a bibliophile, sounds awkward but true=) was the Spanish language, in which I cannot understand a single word. Also I personally prefer if the book pages were made from softer paper like they had been read before.
In the near future the premiere of “The Hobbit: An Unexpected journey”, a new screening of Tolkien novel by Peter Jackson, will take place in New Zeeland. The rest of the world will see it before Christmas and we are here in Russia probably will see it only before New Year. So Europe is full of expectation and advertising- for example, we detected the full copy of Jackson’s “The Lord of the Ring” version of “The Hobbit: there and back again” book. It has a red pvc hard cover and nice engravings inside. The only imperfection which stopped me from buying it (yes.. I’m a bibliophile, sounds awkward but true=) was the Spanish language, in which I cannot understand a single word. Also I personally prefer if the book pages were made from softer paper like they had been read before.
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